glob3 home
current version 0.1
important!: glob3 and euclid is a framework under severe development, It's very probable that the API change several times!,
we expect to release a stable version in a few months.
- glob3
- a complete RCP to build GIS applications
- is multiplatform
- works in the web via java applets
- all the NASA World Wind capabilities
- integration with sextante
- point cloud LOD viewer
- 3D objects renderer
- gigapixel photo LOD viewer
- video viewer
- multidimensional reader and view in the globe
- dMVC server/client
- euclid
- Euclid is the library that manage the 3D geometries
- multidimensional
- multiprecision
- optimized octgrid
- optimized multithreading use
- optimized memory use
- s3xtante
- all the sextante algorithm are avalaible
- all the sextante tools are avalaible